Selasa, 24 Juni 2014


4EA07 / 11210774
1.       __________ experimental studies of the

aging process, psychologist Ross McFarland
determined that people could work
productively much longer than had
previously been thought.
(A) In that
(B) Through
(C) Since
(D) Into
Answer : B (Through)
 This sentence can be correctly completed only with an introductory prepositional phrase (Through experimental studies).
2.      Those students do not like to read novels _______________ text books.

(A) In any case
(B) Forgetting about
(C) Leaving out the questions
(D) Much less
Answer : (D) much less
Grammar : clause of contrast

3.    _________________ the best car to buy is a Mercedes Benz.

(A) Because of its durability and economy
(B) Because it lasts a long time, and it is very economical
(C) Because of its durability and it is economical
(D) Because durably and economy wise it is better than all the others.
Answer : (A) because of its durability and economy
Grammar : Adverbial clause of Reason

4.    In 1791, Quebec was divided into two

sections, Upper Canada and Lower Canada,
_____________ were ruled by elected
(A) they both
(B) both of them
(C) in which both
(D) both of which
Answer : D (both of which)
 This choice correctly follows the pattern quantifier + of + relative pronoun

5.  At the Seventh International Ballet Competitions, Fernando Bujones won the first gold medal ever _________ to a United States male dancer.

(A) To be awarded
(B) To awards
(C) That awards
(D) Should be awarding
Answer : (A) to be awarded
Grammar : infinitive

6.      A number of the materials used in manufacturing paint are potential dangerous if mishandled.

            A                                                                          B        C                              D
Answer : C (potential)
 An adverb (potentially), not an adjective (potential), is needed.

7.    Bill Clinton, that won the 1992 presidential election, was 

                                A                                           B                     C
governor of the state of Arkansas.
Answer : (A) that
Grammar : the correct answer is “who” because it’s explain adjective clause
8.    In the south-western part of the United States, most of the watercomes 

      A                                                                                       B
 the Colorado River and the manmade lakes created from it.
C                                                                      D                            
Answer : (C) comes of
Grammar : the correct answer is “comes from” because it’s explain prepositions of place positions

9.    Physical therapists help patients relearn how to use their bodies after disease or injure.

                                                           A              B                         C                       D
Answer : D (injure)
 A noun (injury), not a verb (injure), is required.

10. The first recorded use of natural gas to light street lamps it was in the town of Frederick, New York, in 

                       A                                     B                           C                         D
Answer : B (it was)
 The use of the pronoun subject it is unnecessary; it should be omitted.

Selasa, 27 Mei 2014


My favorite figure is dude herlino. He is a talent actor. He get many award, one of them is favorite actor in PGA 2014. Not only good in his career, but also in his personal life. He is kind and religious because of that, he can be an ideal role model.


What is an adjective?"
Simply put adjectives are descriptive words. Adjectives are used to describe or give information about things, ideas and people: nouns or pronouns.
For Example:-

The grey dog barked. (The adjective grey describes the noun "dog".)

The most common question an adjective might answer is "What kind of ...?"
The good news is that in English the form of an adjective does not change, once you have learnt it that's it and it does not matter if the noun being described is male or female, singular or plural, subject or object. Yay!
Some adjectives give us factual information about the noun - age, size colour etc (fact adjectives - can't be argued with).
Some adjectives show what somebody thinks about something or somebody - nice, horrid, beautiful etc (opinion adjectives - not everyone may agree).
If you are asked questions with which, whose, what kind, or how many, you need an adjective to be able to answer.
There are different types of adjectives in the English language:
  • Numeric: six, one hundred and one etc.
  • Quantitative: more, all, some, half, more than enough etc.
  • Qualitative: colour, size, smell etc.
  • Possessive: my, his, their, your etc.
  • Interrogative: which, whose, what etc.
  • Demonstrative: this, that, those, these etc.
!Note - The articles a, an, and the are a special kind of adjective called articles, and the possessives my, our, your, and their are sometimes known as possessive adjectives.
Adjectives can be used to describe colour.
blue, red, green, brown, yellow, black, white, etc.
For Example:
  • "The blue bag." or "The blue bags".
Adjectives can be used to give your opinion about something.
good, pretty, right, wrong, funny, light, happy, sad, full, soft, hard etc.
For Example:
  • He was a silly boy. / She was a silly girl.
Adjectives can be used to describe size.
big, small, little, long, tall, short, same as, etc.
For Example:
  • "The big man." or "The big woman".
Adjectives can be used to describe age.
For Example:
  • "He was an old man." or "She was an old woman."

Adjectives can be used to describe shape.
round, circular, triangular, rectangular, square, oval, etc.
For Example:
  • "It was a square box." or "They were square boxes."
Adjectives can be used to describe origin.
For Example:-
  • "It was a German flag." or "They were German flags."
Adjectives can be used to identify the material something is made of.
  • "A wooden cupboard." or "Wooden cupboards."
!Note - In English we often change nouns into adjectives.
For Example: glass - a glass vase / metal - a metal tray etc.
Adjectives can be used to describe distance.
  l -- o -- n -- g  / short
long, short, far, around, start, high, low, etc.
For Example:
  • "She went for a long walk." or "They went for lots of long walks."

Adjectives can be used to describe temperature.
cold, warm, hot, cool, etc.
For Example:
  • "It was a hot day" or "We eat ice cream on hot days."
Adjectives can be used to describe time.
late, early, bed, nap, dinner, lunch, day, morning, night, etc.
For Example:
  • "She had an early start."

Adjectives can be used to describe purpose. (These adjectives often end with "-ing".)
For Example:
  • "She gave them a sleeping bag." or "She gave them sleeping bags."
!Note - Have you noticed how the adjective stays the same, whether it is describing a masculine, feminine, singular or plural noun? Nice huh?
When using more than one adjective to modify a noun, the adjectives may be separated by a conjunction (and) or by commas (,).
For Example:
  • "Her hair was long and blonde." or "She had long, blonde hair."
More examples:
For Example:
She is a pretty girl.
He was a serious boy.
It could be a fast car.
They were quiet children.

!Note - Adjectives that go immediately before the noun are called attributive adjectives.
Adjectives can also be used after some verbs. They do not describe the verb, adverbs do that.
Adjectives after a verb describe the subject of the verb (usually a noun or pronoun).
For Example:
  • "Lynne looks tired."
The subject (in this case Lynne) is being described as tired not the verb to look.
There is also the adjective used to, which is such a beast that it gets its own section - Used To
